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[Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Practices in China's National Parks]


发行:北京星宇出版发行集团(010-8246 4188)

出版社: 中国环境出版集团

外文名称:Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Practices in China's National Parks










内容简介:Each case in this book includes background, case description, case highlights,and scope of application, which is designed to systematically show the highlights of national park system pilots in promoting ecosystem protection and restoration,species and habitat protection, the sustainable utilization of biological resources,institutional innovation, and supervision and law enforcement, etc.

  This book can be a reference for biodiversity policymakers, national park authorities, researchers, corporate managers, practitioners of biodiversity conservation,and the general public concerned about biodiversity conservation at home and abroad.


Chapter 1 Characteristics and Distribution of National Parks in China

Case 1-1 SanjiangyuanNationaIPark

Case 1-2 Giant Panda National Park

Gase 1-3 Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park

Caso 1-4 Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park

Case 1-5 Wuyishan National Park

Case 1-6 Qilian Mountain National Park

Case 1-7 ShennongjiaNationalPark

Case 1-8 QianjiangyuanNationalPark

Gase 1-9 Patatson National Park

Case 1-10 Nanshan National Park

Chapter 2 Protecting Ecosystem Diversity

Case 2-1 Sanjiangyuan National Park Establishes a "Satellite-Aerial Ground" Integrated Ecological Monitoring Network System

Case 2-2 Sanjiangyuan National Park Implements Integrated Protection and Restoration of "Mountains, Rivers, Forests, Farmlands,Lakes and Grasslands

Case 2-3 Wuyishan National Park Explores Cross-Border Cooperation to Protect Ecosystem Integrity


Chapter 3 Conserving Species Diversity

Chapter 4 Sustainable Utilization of Biodiversity Resources

Chapter 5 Biodiversity Monitoring and Enforcement

Chapter 6 Innovations in Biodiversity Conservation Systems


  The establishment of the national park system is a key reform task proposed by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, and also a major measure to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization and building a beautiful China. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed "establishing a system of natural protected areas with national parks as the main body", which further clarified the important position of national parks in the reform of China's ecological civilization system and the construction of the natural protected area system. China is rich in wildlife and plant resources. There are nearly 6,500 species of vertebrates, accounting for 10% of the world's total species; there are more than 36,000 species of higher plants, nearly 50% of which are endemic to China. National parks are the most important parts of China's natural ecosystem, with the best natural resources and natural heritage, the richest biodiversity, the most typical geography, and the most unique natural landscapes. They have a wide range of protection, complete ecological processes, global value, and national symbols. Since 2015, China has carried out pilot projects of'the national park system in areas with strong national representation, important ecological locations, and high public attention. At present,pilot areas of the national park systems such as Sanjiangyuan, Giant Panda,Northeast China Tiger and Leopard, Hainan Tropical Rainforest, Wuyishan, Qilian Mountain, Shennongjia, Qianjiangyuan, Patatson, Nanshan have been established.The pilot areas of national park system have achieved remarkable results in the protection of typical ecosystems, the restoration and connectivity of important species habitats, the construction of ecological publicity and education facilities,and the co-construction, co-governance and sharing of communities. Biodiversity has been protected more systematically and effectively, which has promoted the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In October 2021, President Xi Jinping announced at the Leaders' Summit of the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity that China officially established the first batch of national parks including Sanjiangyuan,Giant Panda, Northeast China Tiger and Leopard, Hainan Tropical Rainforest, and Wuyishan with the protected area of 230,000 k㎡, covering nearly 30% terrestrial national key protected species of wildlife and plants.

  Each case in this book includes background, case description, case highlights,and scope of application, which is designed to systematically show the highlights of national park system pilots in promoting ecosystem protection and restoration,species and habitat protection, the sustainable utilization of biological resources,institutional innovation, and supervision and law enforcement, etc.

  This book can be a reference for biodiversity policymakers, national park authorities, researchers, corporate managers, practitioners of biodiversity conservation,and the general public concerned about biodiversity conservation at home and abroad. Due to the rush of time, there are inevitable errors or even fallacies in the book, and you are welcome to criticize and correct them.

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